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Throughout this work, we have seen the central role which instructions play in general-purpose computing architectures. In Section , we saw a large architectural space characterized by the number of distinct control streams, datapath granularities, and instruction depth. In Chapters , , and , we reviewed this rich architectural space for general-purpose computing devices. We saw that the choices made in these parameters are what distinguish conventional general-purpose architectures, and we saw that it is these choices that define the circumstances under which a given general-purpose architecture is most efficient. In Section , we saw that even limiting ourselves to datapath granularity and instruction depth, it is not possible to select a single pair of these parameters which yielded a robust architecture -- that is, there is no single selection point whose area requirement will be above a bounded fraction of the optimal selection of these two parameters for any task.

Every conventional general-purpose architecture reviewed in Chapter and summarized in Table takes a stand on instruction resources by selecting:

  1. control stream to instruction ratio
  2. local instruction depth
  3. instruction to datapath element ratio
These selections are made and fixed at fabrication time and characterize the device for its entire lifetime. Unfortunately, most real computations are neither purely regular nor irregular, and real computations do not work on data elements of a single data size. Typical computing tasks spend most of their time in a very small portion of the code. In the kernel where most of the computational time is spent, the same computation is heavily repeated making it very regular such that a shallow instruction store is appropriate. The rest of the code is used infrequently making it irregular such that it is suited to a deep instruction store. Further, in systems, a general-purpose computational device is typically called upon to run many applications with differing requirements for datapath size, regularity, and control streams. This broad range of application requirements makes it difficult, if not impossible, to achieve robust and efficient performance across entire applications or application sets by selecting a single computational device which has a rigidly selected instruction organization.

In this chapter, we introduce MATRIX, a novel, general-purpose computing architecture which does not take a pre-fabrication stand on the assignment of space, distribution, and control for instructions. Rather, MATRIX allows the user or application to determine the actual organization and deployment of resources as needed. Post-fabrication the user can allocate instruction stores, instruction distribution, control elements, datapaths, data stores, dedicated and fixed data interconnect, and the interaction between datastreams and instruction streams.

We introduce MATRIX and the concepts behind it. We ground the abstract concepts behind the MATRIX architecture with:

MATRIX was developed jointly by Ethan Mirsky and Andre DeHon. Andre oversaw the architecture and guided the architectural definition, while Ethan defined the detailed microarchitecture and developed the VLSI implementation. MATRIX was first described publicly in [MD96] and portions of this chapter are taken from that description. Ethan details the MATRIX microarchitecture in his thesis [Mir96].

MATRIX Concepts

MATRIX is designed to maintain flexibility in instruction control. Primary instruction distribution paths are not defined at fabrication time. Instruction memories are not dedicated to datapath elements. Datapath widths are not fully predetermined. MATRIX neither binds control elements to datapaths nor predetermines elements that can only serve as control elements.

To provide this level of flexibility, MATRIX is based on a uniform array of primitive elements and interconnect which can serve instruction, control, and data functions. A single network is shared by both instruction and data distribution. A single integrated memory and computing element can serve as an instruction store, data store, datapath element, or control element. MATRIX's primitive resources are, therefore, deployable, in that the primitives may be deployed on a per-application basis to serve the role of instruction distribution, instruction control, and datapath elements as appropriate to the application. This allows tasks to have just as much regularity, dynamic control, or dedicated datapaths as needed. Datapaths can be composed efficiently from primitives since instructions are not prededicated to datapath elements, but rather delivered through the uniform interconnection network.

The key to providing this flexibility is a multilevel configuration scheme which allows the device to control the way it will deliver configuration information. To first order, MATRIX uses a two level configuration scheme. Traditional ``instructions'' direct the behavior of datapath and network elements on a cycle-by-cycle basis. Metaconfiguration data configures the device behavior at a more primitive level defining the architectural organization for a computation. Metaconfiguration data can be used to define the traditional architectural characteristics, such as instruction distribution paths, control assignment, and datapath width. The metaconfiguration ``wires up'' configuration elements which do not change from cycle-to-cycle including ``wiring'' instruction sources for elements whose configuration does change from cycle-to-cycle.

MATRIX Architecture Overview

In this section we ground the more abstract concepts of the previous section with a concrete MATRIX microarchitecture. This concrete microarchitecture will be the focus of the remainder of the chapter. The concrete microarchitecture is based around an array of identical, 8-bit primitive datapath elements overlayed with a configurable network. Each datapath element or functional unit contains a 2568-bit memory, an 8-bit ALU and multiply unit, and reduction control logic including a 208 NOR plane. The network is hierarchical, supporting three levels of interconnect. Functional unit port inputs and non-local network lines can be statically configured or dynamically switched.


The Basic Functional Unit (BFU) is shown in Figure . The BFU contains three major components:

MATRIX operation is pipelined at the BFU level with a pipeline register at each BFU input port. A single pipeline stage includes:

The BFU can serve in any of several roles:

The BFU's versatility allows each unit to be deployed as part of a computational datapath or as part of the memory or control circuitry in a design.


The MATRIX network is a hierarchical collection of 8-bit busses. The interconnect distribution resembles traditional FPGA interconnect. Unlike traditional FPGA interconnect, MATRIX has the option to dynamically switch network connections. The network includes:

  1. Nearest Neighbor Connection (Figure Left) -- A direct network connection is provided between the BFUs within two manhattan grid squares. Results transmitted over local interconnect are available for consumption on the following clock cycle.
  2. Length Four Bypass Connection (Figure Right) -- Each BFU supports two connections into the level two network. The level two network allows corner turns, local fanout, medium distance interconnect, and some data shifting and retiming. Travel on the level two network may add as few as one pipeline delay stage between producer and consumer for every three level two switches included in the path. Each level two switch may add a pipeline delay stage if necessary for data retiming.
  3. Global Lines -- Every row and column supports four interconnect lines which span the entire row or column. Travel on a global line adds one pipeline stage between producer and consumer.

Notice that the same network resources deliver instructions, data, addresses, and control to the BFU ports. All of the eight BFU input ports (Figure ) are connected to this same network, and all BFU outputs are routed through this network.

Port Architecture

The MATRIX port configuration is one of the keys to the architecture's flexibility. The input ports are the primary source of MATRIX's metaconfiguration. Figure shows the composition of the BFU network and data ports. Each port can be configured in one of three major modes:

  1. Static Value Mode -- The value stored in the port configuration word is used as a static value driven into the port. This is useful for driving constant data or instructions into a BFU. BFUs configured simply as I-Stores or memories will have their ALU function port statically set to pass memory output data. BFUs operating in a systolic array might also have their ALU function port set to the desired operation. For regular operations a BFU may be dedicated to that function and, in so doing, requires no instruction memory be allocated for control.
  2. Static Source Mode -- The value stored in the port configuration word is used to statically select the network bus providing data for the appropriate port. This configuration is useful in wiring static control or datapaths. Static port configuration is typical of FPGA interconnect.
  3. Dynamic Source Mode -- The value stored in the port configuration word is ignored. Instead the output of the associated floating port (see Figure ) controls the input source on a cycle-by-cycle basis. This is useful when datapath sources need to switch during normal operation. For example, during a relaxation algorithm, a BFU might need to alternately take input from each of its neighbors.
The floating port and function ports are configured similarly, but only support the static value and static source modes.

Port Contexts

Matrix metaconfiguration information is also multicontext in two ways.


As shown in Figure , each port actually has two configuration words selected by a control bit. This control bit is generate by the NOR plane or reduction network (Comp/Reduce II) in the control portion of the BFU (Figure ). This arrangement allows control data to locally affect each BFU's operation.

One common use of this control function is in a BFU which operates as the program counter. A typical program counter holds its value ( PC) on the BFU output. In normal operation, the BFU simply increments its current value ( PC=PC+1). When a branch test succeeds, the program counter BFU loads its value from its own memory ( PC=mem[PC]) rather than incrementing. To arrange this, control logic is set to route the ``take branch'' condition on the control bit. One control context is used for the not taken branch case and simply configures the BFU to increment the PC. The other control context is used for the taken branch condition and configures the BFU to use the current PC as an address into memory for a read operation.

Since the control bit can come from the NOR plane, it can be slaved to any bit on any bus distributed to the BFU. This allows a controller to use a BFU or collection of BFUs as two context devices. A single datapath byte can control up to eight such BFUs independently if each BFU is configured to select a distinct bit from the control byte.


Additionally, the entire metaconfiguration data is replicated multiple times and controlled by a single, array-wide context select similar to the DPGA (Chapter ). In our current microarchitecture we have four global context, two of which are hardwired and two of which are programmable. The hardwired contexts are intended for bootstrapping and device programming. They configure the entire device into a known configuration of datapaths so that metaconfiguration, configuration, and initial data can be loaded into the array. The two programmable contexts allow:
  1. background loading of metaconfiguration data
  2. assembly of new global context data without affecting the current, operating context
  3. atomic swap between assembled configuration

The global contexts can also be used to provide DPGA-style multicontext swapping between configurations. Coupling the two programmable contexts with the two control contexts, the entire array can be treated as a four context device without dedicating BFU memory for context data.

Metaconfiguration Configuration

The metaconfiguration data for each BFU can be written by a BFU write operation. The metaconfiguration data is in a different address space from the BFU local memory. Access to the metaconfiguration data versus the normal BFU memory is controlled by the the instruction issued to the BFU memory function port (Figure ). This arrangement allows the metaconfiguration to be loaded in one of several ways:

  1. A hardwired context can make the entire device look like a memory so that an external device can perform memory-mapped writes to configure metaconfiguration and configuration data.
  2. A hardwired context can setup the device to bootstrap load a configuration from a slave memory.
  3. A controller can be configured on the array which can write metaconfiguration to other BFUs. There can be any number of controllers controlling any subsets of the array limited only by raw resource availability. More controllers can increase reconfiguration bandwidth at the expense of taking BFU resources away from datapath computations.
  4. A BFU may write to its own metaconfiguration. This usually requires some assist from other BFUs. However, with the control contexts, there are useful configurations where a single BFU may reconfigure portions of itself. For example, a BFU in a systolic datapath could be configured primarily to perform one, fixed ALU operation. When a control event is signaled, its second control context could reload the ALU function port configuration from its local memory. When it returns to datapath operation, the BFU now performs the new operation. This basic reconfiguration scheme allows MATRIX to efficiently handle a variety of quasistatic instruction streams.
Note that the existence of two programmable, global contexts is useful for providing atomic, coordinated, array-wide context swaps. In typical use, the array would operate in one context while writing new configuration data into an unused, programmable configuration context. Once that context was fully programmed, the global context select would change effecting the array-wide switch.


MATRIX ports can also operate in a time-switched mode, inspired by the time-switched input register (Section ). In Chapter , we saw that the ability to latch and hold input values at designated microcycles, along with switched interconnect, allowed us to minimize the constraints required during design mapping and thereby perform physical mapping quickly. Each MATRIX port has a time matching unit as does memory write back. When metaconfiguration sets a BFU into time-switched mode, each input is loaded only on its programmed microcycle as with TSFPGA. The timestep for MATRIX is broadcast along a designated global line. In time-switching mode, the metaconfiguration dedicates these global lines and provides for the proper distribution of a timestep value. Typically, the remaining global lines will be dynamically switched to provide the necessary interconnect between BFUs. In situations where light multiplexing is all that is required, the control contexts may provide sufficient switched routing. For more heavily shared switching resources, global and bypass lines can be time-switched, with each getting its own BFU instruction store to control its operation. Time-switched routing will, of course, slow down MATRIX operation. This mode is intended primarily for fast, hands-off, automatic mapping during early development.

Resource Deployment Granularity

The primitives in the architecture do define a granularity at which resources must be deployed. Datapaths and non-local control paths can only come in 8-bit multiples. Context memories come in 256 instruction deep chunks. Compute elements come as 8-bit ALUs with 128-word register files.

Due to the flexible instruction distribution introduced above and discussed further in Section , MATRIX's granularity does not have the same kind of effects as conventional architectures (Chapter ). For task requirements below 8-bits, the datapath suffers similar to traditional architectures. For task requirements above 8-bits, at most 7-bits of the datapath ever go wasted, and MATRIX does not waste space on instruction stores holding redundant data as would conventional 8-bit architectures.

Additional Information

For additional detail on the MATRIX microarchitecture see [Mir96].

Usage Example: Finite-Impulse Response Filter

In this section we present a range of implementation options for a single task, convolution, in order to illustrate MATRIX usage and further ground the features of this architecture. The convolution task is as follows: Given a set of weights {, , ... } and a sequence of samples {, ,}, compute a sequence of results {, ,} according to:


Figure shows an eight-weight () convolution of 8-bit samples accumulating a 16-bit result value. The top row simply carries sample values through the systolic pipeline. The middle row performs an 88 multiply against the constants weights, 's, producing a 16-bit result. The multiply operation is the rate limiter in this task requiring two cycles to produce each 16-bit result. The lower two rows accumulate results. In this case, all datapaths (shown with arrows in the diagram) are wired using static source mode (Figure ). The constant weights are configured as static value sources to the multiplier cells. Add operations are configured for carry chaining to perform the required 16-bit add operation. For a -weight filter, this arrangement requires cells and produces one result every 2 cycles, completing, on average, 88 multiplies and 16-bit adds per cycle.

In practice, we can:

  1. Use the horizontal level-two bypass lines for pipelining the inputs, removing the need for the top row of BFUs simply to carry sample values through the pipeline.
  2. Use both the horizontal and vertical level-two bypass lines to retime the data flowing through the add pipeline so that only a single BFU adder is needed per filter tap stage.
  3. Use three I-stores and a program counter (PC) to control the operation of the multiply and add BFUs, as well as the advance of samples along the sample pipeline.
The -weight filter can be implemented with only cells in practice.


Figure shows a microcoded convolution implementation. The coefficient weights are stored in the ALU register-file memory in registers 1 through and the last samples are stored in a ring buffer constructed from registers 65 through . Six other memory location (Rs, Rsp, Rw, Rwp, Rl, and Rh) are used to hold values during the computation. The ALU's A and B ports are set to dynamic source mode. I-store memories are used to drive the values controlling the source of the A and B input (two memories), the values fed into the A and B inputs (,), the memory function () and the ALU function (). The PC is a BFU setup to increment its output value or load an address from its associated memory as described in Section .

The implementation requires 8 BFUs and produces a new 16-bit result every cycles. The result is output over two cycles on the ALU's output bus. The number of weights supported is limited to by the space in the ALU's memory. Longer convolutions (larger ) can be supported by deploying additional memories to hold sample and coefficient values.

Custom VLIW (Horizontal Microcode)

Figure shows a VLIW-style implementation of the convolution operation that includes application-specific dataflow. The sample pointer (Xptr) and the coefficient pointer (Wptr) are each given a BFU, and separate ALUs are used for the multiply operation and the summing add operation. This configuration allows the inner loop to consist of only two operations, the two-cycle multiply in parallel with the low and high byte additions. Pointer increments are also performed in parallel. Conventional digital signal processors are generally designed to handle this kind of filtering problem well, and, not coincidentally, the datapath used here is quite similar to modern DSP architectures. Most of the I-stores used in this design only contain a couple of distinct instructions. With clever use of the control PLA and configuration words, the number of I-stores can be cut in half making this implementation no more costly than the microcoded implementation.

As shown, the implementation requires 11 BFUs and produces a new 16-bit result every cycles. As in the microcoded example the result is output over two cycles on the ALU output bus. The number of weights supported is limited to by the space in the ALU's memory.


Figure shows a Multiple-SIMD/VLIW hybrid implementation based on the control structure from the VLIW implementation. As shown in the figure, six separate convolutions are performed simultaneously sharing the same VLIW control developed to perform a single convolution, amortizing the cost of the control overhead. To exploit shared control in this manner, the sample data streams must receive data at the same rate in lock step.

When sample rates differ, separate control may be required for each different rate. This amounts to replicating the VLIW control section for each data stream. In the extreme of one control unit per data stream, we would have a VLIW/MIMD implementation. Between the two extremes, we have VLIW/MSIMD hybrids with varying numbers of control streams according to the application requirements.


Of course, many variations on these themes are possible. The power of the MATRIX architecture is its ability to deploy resources for control based on application regularity, throughput requirements, and space available. In contrast, traditional microprocessors, VLIW, or SIMD machines fix the assignment of control resources, memory, and datapath flow at fabrication time, while traditional programmable logic does not support the high-speed reuse of functional units to perform different functions.

Flexible Instruction Distribution

MATRIX supports flexbile allocation of instruction control resources as a consequence of the BFU, network, and port architecture described in Section .

Instruction Depth

We can directly select an instruction depth of 1 or . If the instruction does not need to change, we can directly configure it via static value in the port metaconfiguration. If the instruction changes between only two values, we can use the control context. In certain situations, we can use the global contexts to support up to four contexts using the metaconfiguration contexts. When instruction need to change among more than a few values, we can allocate a BFU as an instruction store and use static source mode to configure said distribution. If more than 256 instructions are needed, we can use dynamic source mode to expand the selection to one of several different memory sources, allowing a large instruction space.

Note that conventional FPGAs are characterized by an instruction depth of one, while an instruction depth of 256-1024 is typical for conventional processor architectures.

Datapath Granularity

We can control the datapath granularity to any multiple of 8-bits. The network allows fanout at all three levels of the hierarchy. To build an -bit wide datapath, we need only configure the BFUs used as datapath elements to take their instructions from the same instruction memories (See Figure ). Notice that this is not the same as having a conventional microarchitecture with , as introduced in Chapters and . In a conventional case, each 8-bit datapath element would have its own instruction memory, whereas, for MATRIX, we get to use a single instruction memory for all datapath elements (See Figure ).

Notice also that the ability to assign instruction memories to composed datapaths is also different from the segmentable datapaths in modern multimedia processors (Section ), multigauge SIMD architectures ( e.g. [Sny85] [BSV +95]), or the Kartashev dynamic architecture [KK79]. In these architectures, all the bit processing elements in a predefined datapath perform the same operation. These generally exhibit SIMD instruction control for the datapath, but can be dynamically or quasistatically reconfigured to treat the bit datapath as , -bit words, for certain, restricted, values of . MATRIX does not have to perform the same ALU function across all datapath segments like these architectures.

Instruction Streams

The number of instruction streams on a MATRIX component is limited only by the availability of resources. If the entire operation is efficiently handled by a systolic architecture, no resources, BFUs or interconnect need be sacrificed to control. For highly regular operations where SIMD control is effective, MATRIX need only dedicate a single set of BFUs to broadcast the instructions to the rest of the array. As the application needs more, independent instruction streams, more BFUs can be allocate to provide separate instruction streams. Like MSIMD ( e.g. [Nut77][Bri90]) or MIMD multigauge [Sny85] designs, the array can be broken into units operating on different instructions. Synchronization between the separate functions can be lock-step VLIW or completely orthogonal depending on the application. Unlike traditional MSIMD or multigauge MIMD designs, the control processors and array processors are built out of the same building block resources and networking. Consequently, more array resources are available as less control resources are used (See Figure ).

Control Streams

Similarly, MATRIX can handle any number of independent control streams. Each can have their own program counter realizing a MIMD architecture, or they can all be slaved to a single program counter realizing a VLIW architecture (See Figure ). Between these extremes, any number of instruction streams may be associated with each program counter in the same way that any number of datapath elements can be slaved to a single instruction stream. Again, as we noted for datapath granularity and instruction streams, control resources come from the same pool of resources as datapath elements -- as an application can be described with fewer control streams, more BFUs are available to serve as datapath elements.

MATRIX Implementation

Figure shows the composition of the prototype BFU developed by Ethan Mirsky [Mir96], along with its size and projected performance. Table shows the area breakdown from the prototype implementation. As described in Section , MATRIX operation is pipelined at the BFU level allowing high speed implementation. With only a small memory read, an ALU operation, and local network distribution, the basic cycle rate can be quite small -- at least comparable to microprocessor clock rates. 100 MHz operation is the target for the prototype design. At 1.8mm, 100 BFUs fit on a 17mm14mm die. A 100 BFU MATRIX device operating at 100MHz has a peak performance of 8-bit operations per cycle (10 Gop/s).

MATRIX is sufficiently different from conventional architectures that our model from Chapter does not quite apply. We can account for the specific composition of our microarchitecture. Table summarizes the constituent elements of the MATRIX BFU along with estimated areas. The MATRIX size estimate is about one-third the size of the prototype implementation, suggesting there is considerable room for improvement relative to the prototype design. The prototype is a first-generation, one student, university prototype of a novel architecture. As such, it is not surprising that it is not the most compact design.

Nevertheless, both area views agree on rough area proportions. Switches and drivers occupy roughly 45% of the area. The main BFU memory accounts for 25% of BFU area. Metaconfiguration makes up roughly 10% of the BFU. The ALU and multiplier composes only 7% of the area.

Building Block Efficiency

The MATRIX BFU serves several roles. It is interesting to consider its efficiency in each of these roles.


MATRIX packs 2048 RAM bits into 28.8M in the prototype or, perhaps, 10M in an optimized design. If we only use the BFU for its memory array, each memory bit cell is effectively 14K, or 5K, respectively. Of course, the MATRIX memory only comes in 2568 blocks and will, therefore, be less dense as smaller memories or memories which are not even multiples of this size are needed.

Versus Custom Memory

Since memory only accounts for 25% of the MATRIX array, MATRIX memory is only one-fourth as dense as a custom memory of the same size.

Versus Gate Array Memory

A RAM cell implemented in a gate-array process is roughly 6K ( e.g. [Fos96]). This size comparable to the amortized bit area according to the model (5K) and is half of the size of the amortized bit cell area in the current prototype (14K).

Versus Xilinx 4K Memory

The Xilinx 4K series [Xil94b] can use each CLB as 32 bits of RAM. From Table , we know a Xilinx 4K CLB is 1.25M, making each memory bit roughly 39K, which is 3-7 larger than the amortized MATRIX RAM bit area.

Datapath Elements

Versus Hardwired ALU

The ALU and multiplier make up only 7% of the BFU area. This suggests a datapath of BFUs could be a good 10-20 less dense than a full custom implementation of the same task.

Versus Systolic, Reconfigurable ALUs

In systolic dataflow applications the ALU may be used as a functional unit without the memory. The 25% of the BFU area which is in the memory sits idle, as well as the for the extra function port. The control logic constitutes another 6-10% of the BFU area. Consequently, the MATRIX BFU is roughly 1.5 larger than we might see in a pure mesh of reconfigurable ALUs, or perhaps in an architecture where the memory and ALU were independent resources.

ALU Bit Ops

In Table , we have already noted that the prototype MATRIX achieves 28 ALU Bit which is roughly 3 the computational density of processors (See Table ). At the same time this is 4 lower than the peak computational density offered by single-context FPGAs (See Table ). If we can realize the compaction suggested by the model, MATRIX can achieve 80 , bringing its peak density almost comparable to FPGAs.


A cascaded 16-bit add can occur in one cycle on 2 MATRIX BFUs. Assuming the BFUs are used only for the add, this consumes a capacity of . An XC4005-5 performs a 16-bit add in 20.5ns on 9 CLBs, taking a capacity of 0.23, which is only 2 more efficient than the MATRIX prototype.


In Chapter we reviewed custom and programmable multiply implementations. Even with the large prototype area, MATRIX achieved comparable multiply density to the best programmable devices (See Table ). MATRIX is 10-100 less computationally dense at multiplication than full custom multiplies, which is consistent with the fact that multiplier occupies only 3% of the BFU area. At the same time the hardwired multiplier makes the MATRIX prototype 3-10 more computationally dense then FPGAs on multiply operations.

Image Processing Examples

To get a concrete view of MATRIX application performance, we will examine several image processing primitives implemented in custom and semi-custom silicon and compare them to MATRIX, FPGA, and microprocessor implementations of the same task. LSI's real-time DSP chip set [Rue89] is used to define the tasks and provide the custom implementations. The real-time chip set includes:

  1. Variable Shift Register (VSR)
  2. Rank Value Filter (RVF)
  3. Binary Filter and Template Matcher (BFIR)
  4. Multibit FIR Filter (MFIR)
We use area and timing from the prototype for the purposes of conservative MATRIX comparisons.


LSI's variable shift register takes in byte wide data and delays it a specified number of clock cycles. It provides eight, equidistant outputs. The maximum delay supported by the LSI component is clock cycles. That is, given a sequence of inputs: On the cycle when arrives, the VSR outputs eight values: Here is a value between 0 and 126. LSI implements their VSR in 64mm in a 1.5 CMOS process (114M) using a semicustom standard cell methodology. The LSI VSR runs at a 26 MHz clock rate (38.5ns clock).

A MATRIX implementation providing the full, worst-case functionality of the VSR requires two BFUs to implement each 512 byte tap and two BFUs to implement a 9-bit modulo counter, for a total of 18 BFUs (See Figure ). The memory BFUs implement the shift register by alternately reading and writing from their main memory. The control contexts are programmed to support the two instructions, read and write. The counter counts on every cycle from zero to . The low bit of the counter is selected as the control bit on the memories while the high 8 bits serve as the memory address. The match unit on the counter is set to look for . When a match occurs, the counter executes a load zero control context instead of the normal increment context. The 18 BFUs take 28.8M. Operating on the two clock macrocycle, the MATRIX VSR can run at 50MHz (20ns macroclock).

A typical processor implemenation of VSR (See Figure ) takes 6 instructions per tap in a tight loop. For the full 8 tap VSR, the processor implementation requires 48 instructions. MIPS-X [HHC +87], one of the highest capacity processors we reviewed in Table , is 68M. With a 50ns clock cycle, the 48 instructions will dictate, at least, a 2400ns macroclock.

An FPGA implementation would be dominated by data memory. A pure 4-LUT design would require up to 40968=32K cells. At 600K, a low-end estimate for 4-LUT size (See Table ), this is 19.7G. Exploiting the memory in an XC4000 part, we can pack 162 bits per CLB, requiring 2564=1K CLBs or 1.28G. The full shift register approach is trivial and should be very fast, so we will assume 100MHz operation. Exploiting the XC4000 memories will require both a read and a write operation as with MATRIX so we will assume it can achieve 50MHz operation.

Table compares the VSR implementations. The MATRIX implementation is 2.4 larger than the semicustom LSI implementation, 2.5 smaller than the XC4000 implementation, and 16 smaller than the processor implementation. If the shift register requires less than 2048 delay slots, MATRIX can implement each tap with a single BFU and use a single counter. This cuts the implementation area and capacity in half, bringing it within 20% of the capacity of the LSI implementation. Smaller shift registers with fewer taps will allow further reduction in BFUs for the MATRIX implementation. Capacity requirements for the FPGA implementations similarly reduce with total shift register length. The capacity required for the processor implementation will decrease with the number of taps.


LSI's rank value filter selects the th largest 12-bit value within a 64 sample window. That is, on each cycle, the component takes in a new 12-bit sample, . It looks at the previous 64 values (, , ..., ), and selects the th largest, which it outputs as . If , it implements a maximum filter; if , it implements a minimum filter, and if , it implements a median filter. The LSI implementation occupies 132mm in a 1.5 CMOS process (235M) using an array design methodology. The RVF runs at a 27 MHz clock rate (37ns clock).

The MATRIX implementation of RVF maintains a completely ordered list of the 64 window values using a systolic priority queue scheme similar to [Lei79]. The systolic priority queue allows it to compute incremental updates to the list ordering rather than recalculating the entire ordering on each cycle. To simulate the 64 tap window scheme, the systolic queue supports both an insert and a delete operation. Each macrocycle requires two microcycles -- one in which the old value is deleted and one in which the new value is inserted. A fixed delay register scheme like the VSR is used to retime the old value for deletion 64 macrocycles later.

Using this style, an -tap, -bit wide MATRIX RVF implementation requires BFUs, or 386 BFUs for the 64 tap, 12-bit case as implemented in the LSI filter. Each tap requires two active data swap registers ( and ) and a comparator, each of which needs to be as wide as the sample data. Figure shows the basic array structure for the 12-bit sample case where two BFUs are required for each register and comparator. The additional two BFUs are used for the retiming memory and its associated counter. Figure shows details of the datapath for a tap slice and its adjacent elements. The registers are used to propagate insert and delete values while the registers are used to hold sorted values. values propagate away from the th item and values propagate toward it. By inserting data at the th value location, we obtain an update latency of only one macrocycle or two primitive MATRIX cycles. The logic for a datapath slice is described in Figure . Note that the logic and datapath shown are for a tap position below the th position in the array. The logic and flow are reversed for tap positions above the array. Figure shows the control setup used to implement the datapath logic providing single cycle throughput for each comparison and swap operation.

We use a similar insert and delete structure for the processor RVF implementation which is shown in Figure . For any width less than the processor word size, the processor implementation requires instructions in a tight loop. For the full 64 tap VSR, the processor implementation requires 649 instructions. Again, using the MIPS-X processor this requires 68M and .

Table compares the RVF implementations. The MATRIX implementation is 26 larger than the custom implementation and 10 smaller than the processor implementation. If less taps are required, both the matrix and the processor implementation decrease linearly in the number of taps. For 8-bit or smaller sample values, the MATRIX implementation will halve its datapath requirements. If one only wants to filter for the maximum or minimum value, a straightforward shift and compare reduce scheme will only require BFUs and operate at 100MHz throughput. For a maximum or minimum filter, the MATRIX implementation requires less capacity than the LSI RVF for 8-bit filters with less than 16 taps or 12-bit filters with less than 8 taps.


LSI's binary filter and template matcher performs binary template matching across a 1024 bit template. That is:

Here is a vector of 1024 bit match values and is a mask indicating which positions are ``don't care'' values and should be ignored. LSI implements their VSR in 88mm in a 1.5 CMOS process (156M) using a full custom design methodology. The LSI BFIR runs at a 27 MHz clock rate (37ns clock).

The MATRIX implementation comes in three parts shown in Figure . A set of shift registers provide the bit level samples. A set of BFUs use their memories to perform matching and counting, starting with 8 bits of input and producing a 4-bit sum of the number of matches. Finally, an adder tree reduces the partial sums to a single result. To handle the 1024 tap problem, MATRIX requires BFUs for bitwise shifting and another 128 BFUs for matching. The sum tree is 7 stages deep. Since the final two stages add 9- and 10-bit sums, they each require 2 BFUs per addition, while each of the others requires a single BFU per sum, making for a total of 130 BFUs in the adder tree. Together, the MATRIX implementation requires 386 BFUs (11.1G) and can operate at the full 100MHz basic cycle rate.

The processor implementation shown in Figure stores and masks data in 32-bit units to exploit its datapath. It also uses a programmed lookup table to count ones. The processor only counts ones a byte at a time so that the count one's lookup table can fit in a reasonably sized data cache. The main loop takes 25 instructions per word. For a 1024 tap problem, this makes total instructions. The MIPS-X processor implementation then is 68M and .

An FPGA BFIR could take a similar form to the MATRIX implementation. 1024 LUTs would compose the shift register. 4-LUTs compose the match and initial reduce. The sum tree requires slightly over 1000 full adder bits -- 1000 XC4K CLBs or 2000 4-LUTs. In total, an XC4K implementation would require 1850+ CLBs, or 2.3G. Using the fast carry on the XC4K, and pipelining the adder stages, the basic cycle could be as low as 10ns assuming an optimal physical layout.

Table compares the BFIR implementations. The MATRIX implementation is 19 larger than the custom implementation, 4.8 larger than the Xilinx implementation, and 24 smaller than the MIPS-X implementation. If the ``care'' region is sparse, the FPGA implementation can easily take advantage of it, using less match and sum reduce units ( e.g. [VSCZ96]). If the sparsity is in 8-bit chunks, MATRIX can similar exploit the sparseness. The processor implementation can exploit sparseness, as well, but requires even larger chunks for it to be beneficial. Resource requirements for all the programmable implementations are proportional to the template size, so their areas decrease with the number of binary taps.


The LSI multibit finite-impulse response filter is a 64-tap, 8-bit FIR filter: The MFIR is implements in 225mm in a 1.5 CMOS process (400M) using a full custom design methodology. The LSI MFIR runs at a 22 MHz clock rate (45ns clock).

In Section , we have already seen several MATRIX FIR implementations. To handle the same generality as the LSI MFIR, we need to handle a 24-bit accumulate instead of the 16-bit accumulate used in the examples shown in Section . This adds one cycle per tap to the microcoded implementation, one BFU to the VLIW implementation, and one BFU per tap to the systolic implementation. Table compares the LSI and MATRIX implementations along with processor and DSP implementations. For the table, we use an application-specific metric and report the area-time capacity required per TAP in each of the implementations.

The systolic MATRIX implementation is 6 larger than the full-custom LSI implementation, 20 smaller than the MIPS-X processor implementation, and 9 smaller than the Alpha implementation. Note also that the VLIW MATRIX implementation, which resembles modern DSP architectures, is 2 smaller than modern DSPs. The systolic version is 8 smaller than the DSPs. The capacity requirements for the processors, DSPs, and MATRIX will decrease with the number of taps, while the LSI implementation is fixed. At 10 filter taps, the systolic MATRIX implementation uses less capacity than the LSI MFIR.

Table provides an expanded table for FIRs with 16-bit accumulates. Here, we see more clearly that the systolic MATRIX implementation is on par with reconfigurable implementations such as PADDI and FPGAs. The MATRIX VLIW is comparable to DSPs. The MATRIX microcoded yields performance comparable to microprocessor implementations. It is this versatility to efficiently span such a wide range of raw performance requirements which makes MATRIX an interesting and powerful general-purpose architecture.

Image Processing Summary

Across the four tasks, we see that the MATRIX implementation is roughly an order of magnitude larger than the custom implementation (6, 19, 26, and 2.4). Since it remains general-purpose, MATRIX retains the ability to deploy resources to adapt to the problem size. For many instances of problems the area-time penalty will be much less.

At the same time, we saw that MATRIX provided an order of magnitude smaller implementations than conventional processors (16,10,24,20). The variation in the benefits is somewhat telling. The one task where MATRIX only had a 10 advantage is the one task which required a 16-bit datapath, while all the others essentially used 8-bit datapaths. Combining that observations with our earlier observation that MATRIX has 3 the raw computational density of modern processors, we can decompose MATRIX's capacity advantage over processors as: roughly as:

For the highest throughput implementations of these tasks, aggressive FPGA or DPGA implementations may approach the MATRIX implementation. We saw cases where MATRIX was 2-10 smaller than optimistic FPGA implementations. We also saw naturally bit-level tasks where MATRIX might be 4-5 worse than an FPGA implementation.


All conventional, general-purpose computing architectures set the resources for instruction distribution and control and bind datapaths to instructions at fabrication time. This, in turn, defines the efficiency of the architecture at handling tasks with a given wordsize, throughput, and control structure. Large applications typically work with data items of multiple sizes and subtasks with varying amounts of regularity. Application sets have an even wider range of computational task characteristics. Consequently, no single, fixed, general-purpose architectural point can provide robust performance across the wide range of application requirements.

To efficiently handle the wide range of application characteristics seen in general-purpose computing, we developed MATRIX, a novel general-purpose architecture which uses multilevel configuration and a single pool of network and datapath elements to defer until application run time:

Using metaconfiguration, MATRIX can deploy primitive resources and interconnect to various roles as best suits the application. In this manner, MATRIX can provide as much dynamic instruction control, instruction sharing, static dataflow, or independent control flow as required by the task. MATRIX's post-fabrication configurability of instruction organization is unique, differentiating it from all previous general-purpose computing architectures.

An ongoing prototyping effort shows promising results. While the VLSI implementation has considerable room for improvement, the prototype has 3 the raw computational density of conventional processors and achieves 10 the yielded computational density on regular, byte-level computing tasks. At the same time, the prototype holds its own on less regular tasks, achieving performance comparable to conventional processors.

Area for Improvement

The concrete microarchitecture presented here has been our initial vehicle for studying the basic concepts behind MATRIX and providing a concrete grounding for them. In these respects the concrete microarchitecture has been very successful. However, this microarchitecture fails to achieve the full breadth of performance robustness promised by the MATRIX architectural style.

Figure shows the efficiency of the MATRIX microarchitecture at handling tasks with various instruction depths and datapaths widths. Shown alongside MATRIX is the efficiency for a conventional architecture with fixed instruction distribution. These graphs are similar to the one shown in Section . The efficiency is the ratio between the size of the implementation in the target architecture versus the size of the conventional architecture with the instruction depth and datapath width perfectly matched to the task. We assume here that MATRIX must deploy eight BFU instruction stores per independent datapath for control. That is, we assume all eight MATRIX ports must be fed with dynamic instructions.

It is not surprising that MATRIX does not have the peak performance of the fixed architecture at its optimal design point. However, the poor efficiency across such a broad range of space is disappointing. We can identify several effects from the graph:

One thing which may be unfair in the comparison in Figure is the interconnect Rent parameter, . The MATRIX microarchitecture under discussion has fully populated input switches. Also note that this comparison is strictly based on varying instruction depth and datapath width and does not account for variations in control requirements. The fixed architecture will suffer more than MATRIX as the number of natural task control streams varies.

Also shown in Figure is a MATRIX architecture which lessens the BFU overhead penalty for cases with a path length between 2 and 256. MATRIX assumes that it can use each BFU memory as two 1288 instruction stores, bringing both memory read ports out to routed lines and allowing path lengths less than to use only four BFUs per datapath. MATRIX also assumes the addition of two more control contexts.

These graphs suggest:

André DeHon <> Reinventing Computing MIT AI Lab