perhaps hand coded

The 80960CB is the floating-point version of the 80960CA[Int89b] [Int89a]. The CB should be available by the end of the year. Since the CB only differs from the CA in that it supports on chip floating-point, the CA is sufficient for development.

We plan to use HPIB/GPIB initially. Later other mediums may be employed to implement the T-Station interface. (GPIB is also known as IEEE Std 488 [Com78].)

However, the selection of processors is not completely critical. That is, we would take just about any reasonable processor we can get for free over ones for which we would have to pay real amounts of money.

Alternately, its bugs will provide valuable feedback about what does not work well about our packaging scheme.

...and possibly Braintree

Its unclear whether conventional disk storage will be the most desirable form of secondary storage at such a point. Optical disks or wafer-scale memory technology [Cur89] might be preferable at that point.

MIT Transit Project