Reinventing Computing

Demos and Documentation Links

The Reinventing Computing project seeks to radically change the computing landscape for the 21st century. The key theme is software and hardware technologies engineered to adapt to inevitable changes in base technology and usage patterns.


A current research thrust is the development of HyperCode, a hypertext representation of source code providing features for improved source code understanding and links to human and computer feedback.

We have produced an artist's conception of the finished product.

There is also an example of a sample program that was hyperlinked automatically on compilation. This is a work in progress.


Global Cooperative Computing

Slides: [Poster] [Talk]

Paper: [PostScript] [HTML]


Slides: [HTML]

Paper: [PostScript] [HTML]

Computational Quasistatics

Reconfigurable Computing Arrays

[Slides] [PostScript] [HTML]

DPGA-Coupled Microprocessors

[Slides] [PostScript] [HTML]

This research is supported by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense under Rome Labs contract number F30602-94-C-0252.