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- ABI +95
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Derrick Chen and Andre DeHon.
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Norio Ohkubo, Makoto Suzuki, Toshinobu Shinbo, Toshiaki Yamanaka, Akihiro
Shimizu, Katsuro Sasaki, and Yoshinobu Nakagome.
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Jonathan Rose and Stephen Brown.
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Ehsan Rashid, Eric Delano, Michael Buckley, Jason Zheng, Francis Schumacher,
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Alisa Scherer, Chaim Amir, Dan Cheung, Prasad Sabada, Ram Rajamani, Nick
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A CMOS RISC CPU with On-Chip Parallel Cache.
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Jonathan Rose, Robert Francis, David Lewis, and Paul Chow.
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Dirk Reuver and Heinrich Klar.
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Poornachandra B. Rao and Alexander Skavantzos.
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Peter Ruetz.
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Chip Sterns and Peng Ang.
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Hirofumi Shinohara, Kenji Anami, Katsuki Ichinose, Tomohisa Wada, Yoshio Kohno,
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Mario R. Schaffner.
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Stanley E. Schuster, Barbara Chappell, Victor Di Lonardo, and Peter E. Britton.
A 20 ns 64K (4K
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Charles L. Seitz.
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Shozo Saito, Syuso Fujii, Yoshio Okada, Shizuo Sawada, Satoshi Shinozaki, Kenji
Natori, and Osamo Ozawa.
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Lal C. Sood, James S. Golab, John Salter, John E. Leiss, and John J. Barnes.
A Fast 8K
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Mark R. Santoro and Mark A. Horowitz.
SPIM: A Pipelined 64
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IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 24(2):487-493, April
- SHU +88
Katsuro Sasaki, Shoji Hanamura, Kiyotsugo Ueda, Takao Oono, Osamu Minato,
Yoshio Sakai, Satoshi Meguro, Masayoshi Tsunematsu, Toshiaki Masuhara,
Masaaki Kubotera, and Hiroshi Toyoshima.
A 15-ns 1-Mbit CMOS SRAM.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 23(5):1067-1073, October
- SIS +90
Katsuro Sasaki, Koichiro Ishibashi, Katsuhiro Shimohigashi, Toshiaki Yamanaka,
Nobuyuki Moriwaki, Shigeru Honjo, Shuji Ikeda, Atsuyoshi Koike, Satoshi
Meguro, and Osamu Minato.
A 23-ns 4-Mb CMOS SRAM with 0.2-
A Standby Current.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 25(5):1075-1081, October
- SIU +92
Katsuro Sasaki, Koichiro Ishibashi, Kiyotsugo Ueda, Kunihiro Komiyaji, Toshiaki
Yamanaka, Naotaka Hashimoto, Hiroshi Toyoshima, Fumio Kojima, and Akihiro
A 7-ns 140-mW 1-Mb CMOS SRAM with Current Sense Amplifier.
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Katsuro Sasaki, Koichiro Ishibashi, Toshiaki Yamanaka, Naotaka Hashimoto,
Takashi Nishida, Katsuhiro Shimohigashi, Shoji Hanamura, and Shigeru Honjo.
A 9-ns 1-Mbit CMOS SRAM.
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Naresh R. Shanbhag and Pushkal Juneja.
Parallel Implementation of a 4
4 Multiplier Using Modified
Booth's Algorithm.
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Hiroshi Shimada, Shoichiro Kawashima, Hideo Itoh, Noriyuki Suzuki, and Takashi
A 45-ns 1-Mbit CMOS SRAM.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 23(1):53-58, February
- SKK +91
Katsuyuki Sato, Kanehide Kenmizaki, Shoji Kubono, Toshio Mochizuki, Hidetomo
Aoyagi, Michitaro Kanamitsu, Soichi Kunito, Hiroyuki Uchida, Yoshihiko Yasu,
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A 4-Mb Pseudo SRAM Operating at 2.6
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A Data
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Robert Sherburne, Jr., Manolis Katevenis, David Patterson, and Carlo Sequin.
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In 1984 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference,
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Katsunori Seno, Kurt Knorpp, Lee-Lean Shu, Naoki Teshima, Hiroki Kihara,
Hiroshi Sato, Fumio Miyaji, Minoru Takeda, Masayoshi Sasaki, Yoichi Tomo,
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M. Shiraishi, M. Koizumi, A. Yamaguchi, and H. Hoike.
User Programmable 16Bit 50ns DSP.
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Michael Slater.
MicroUnity Lifts Veil on MediaProcessor.
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Ramautar Sharma, Alexander D. Lopez, John A. Michejda, Steven J. Hillenius,
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A 6.75-ns 16
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- SMI +84
Takayasu Sakurai, Junichi Matsunaga, Mitsuo Isobe, Takayuki Ohtani, Kazuhiro
Sawada, Akira Aono, Hiroshi Nozawa, Tetsuya IIzuka, and Susumu Kohyama.
A Low Power 46 ns 256 kbit CMOS Static RAM with Dynamic Double Word
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Toshio Sunaga, Hisatada Miyatake, Koji Kitamura, Keishi Kasuya, Takaki Saitoh,
Masahiro Tanaka, Norio Tanigaki, Yohtaro Mori, and Noritoshi Yamasaki.
DRAM Macros for ASIC Chips.
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September 1994.
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Shun'ishi Suzuki, Masumi Nakao, Toshio Takeshima, Masaaki Yoshida, Masanori
Kikuchi, Kunio Nakamura, Takeshi Mizukami, and Masayuki Yanagisawa.
A 128K
8 Bit Dynamic RAM.
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Lawrence Snyder.
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- SPA +95
Gene Shen, Niteen Patkar, Hisashige Ando, David Chang, Charles Chen, Chien
Chen, Frank Chen, Per Forssell, John Gmuender, Takeshi Kitahara, Hungwen Li,
David Lyon, Robert Montoye, Leon Peng, Sunil Savkar, Jonathan Sherred, Mike
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A 64b 4-Issue Out-of-Order Execution RISC Processor.
In 1995 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference,
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Ellen M. Sentovich, Kanwar Jit Singh, Luciano Lavagno, Cho Moon, Rajeev Murgai,
Alexander Saldanha, Hamid Savoj, Paul R. Stephan, Robert K. Brayton, and
Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli.
SIS: A System for Sequential Circuit Synthesis.
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Akinori Sekiyama, Teruo Seki, Shinji Nagai, Akihiro Iwase, Noriyuki Suzuki, and
Masato Hayasaka.
A 1-V Operating 256-kb Full-CMOS SRAM.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 27(5):776-782, May 1992.
- STN +93
Tadahiko Sugibayashi, Toshio Takeshima, Isao Naritake, Tatsuya Matano, Hiroshi
Takada, Yoshiharu Aimoto, Koichiro Furuta, Mamoru Fujita, Takanori Saeki,
Hiroshi Sugawara, Tatsunori Murotani, Naoki Kasai, Kentaro Shibahara, Ken
Nakajima, Hiromitsu Hada, Takehiko Hamada, Naoaki Aizaki, Takemitsu Kunio,
Eiichiro Kakehashi, Katsuhiro Masumori, and Takaho Tanigawa.
A 30-ns 256-Mb DRAM with a Multidivided Array Structure.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 28(11):1092-1098,
November 1993.
- STT +88
Hiroshi Shimada, Yoshinao Tange, Kazuo Tanimoto, Michio Shiraishi, Noriyuki
Suzuki, and Toshio Nomura.
An 18-ns 1-Mbit CMOS SRAM.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 23(5):1073-1077, October
- SUT +93
Katsuro Sasaki, Kiyotsugu Ueda, Koichi Takasugi, Hiroshi Toyoshima, Koichiro
Ishibashi, Toshiaki Yamanaka, Naotaka Hashimoto, and Nagatoshi Ohki.
A 16-Mb CMOS SRAM with a 2.3
Single-Bit-Line Memory Cell.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 28(11):1125-1130,
November 1993.
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Dinesh Somasekhar and V. Visvanathan.
A 230-MHz Half-Bit Level Pipelinined Multiplier Using True
Single-Phase Clocking.
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI)
Systems, 1(4):415-422, December 1993.
- SYN +94
Kazumasa Suzuki, Masakazu Yamashina, Takashi Nakayama, Masanori Izumikawa,
Masahiro Nomura, Hiroyuki Igura, Hideki Heiuchi, Junichi Goto, Toshiaki
Inoue, Youichi Koseki, Hitoshi Abiko, Kazuhiro Okabe, Atsuki Ono, Youichi
Yano, and Hachiro Yamada.
A 500MHz 32b 0.4
m CMOS RISC Processor LSI.
In 1994 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference,
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Edward Tau, Ian Eslick, Derrick Chen, Jeremy Brown, and Andre DeHon.
A First Generation DPGA Implementation.
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Field-Programmable Devices, pages 138-143, May 1995.
[Anonymous FTP].
- TFT +85
Yoshihisa Takayama, Shigeru Fujii, Tomoaki Tanabe, Kazuyuki Kawauchi, and
Toshihiko Yoshida.
A 1ns 20K CMOS Gate Array Series with Configurable 15ns 12K Memory.
In 1985 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference,
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Ronald T. Taylor and Mark G. Johnson.
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- TLB +90
Darius Tansalvala, Joel Lamb, Michael Buckley, Bruce Long, Sean Chapin,
Jonathan Lotz, Eric Delano, Richard Luebs, Keith Erskine, Scott McMullen,
Mark Forsyth, Robert Novak, Tony Gaddis, Doug Quarnstrom, Craig Gleason,
Ehsan Rashid, Daniel Halperin, Leon Sigal, Harlan Hill, Craig Simpson, David
Hollenbeck, John Spencer, Robert Horning, Hoang Tran, Thomas Hotchkiss,
Duncan Weir, Donald Kipp, John Wheeler, Patrick Knebel, Jeffery Yetter, and
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In 1990 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference,
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Toshinari Takayanagi, Kazutaka Nogami, Fumitoshi Hatori, Naoyuki Hatanaka,
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Klein, John Thomson, Roger Carpenter, Ravi Donthi, Denny Renfrow, Jason
Zheng, Liane Tinkey, Brandi Maness, Jim Battle, Steve Purcell, and Takayasu
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In 1996 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference,
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Yasuhiro Takai, Mamoru Nagase, Mamoru Kitamura, Yasuji Koshikawa, Naoyuki
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Masao Taguchi, Hiroyoshi Tomita, Toshiya Uchida, Yasuhiro Ohnishi, Kimiaki
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Masaru Uya, Katsuyuki Kaneko, and Juro Yasui.
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Katsuhiko Ueda, Toshio Sugimura, Minoru Okamoto, Shinichi Marui, Toshihiro
Ishikawa, and Mikio Sakakihara.
A 16b Low-Power-Consumption Digital Signal Processor.
In 1993 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference,
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Joseph Varghese, Michael Butts, and Jon Batcheller.
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- Vil82
W. Vilkelis.
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- vMWvW +86
Jef van Meerbergen, Frank Welten, Frans van Wijk, Jan Stoter, Jos Huisken,
Antoine Delaruelle, and Karel Van Eerdewijk.
An 8 MIPS CMOS Digital Signal Processor.
In 1985 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference,
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- vN66
John von Neumann.
Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata.
University of Illinois Press, 1966.
Compiled by Arthur W. Burks.
- VPP +89
Peter Voss, Leo Pfennings, Cathal Phelan, Cormac O'Connell, Thomas Davies, Hans
Ontrop, Simon Bell, and Roelof Salters.
A 14-ns 256K
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IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 24(4):874-881, August
- VSCZ96
John Villasenor, Brian Schoner, Kang-Ngee Chia, and Charles Zapata.
Configurable Computer Solutions for Automatic Target Recognition.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on FPGAs for Custom
Computing Machines. IEEE, April 1996.
- WBEK +88
Todd Williams, Kenneth Beilstein, Badih El-Kareh, Roy Flaker, Gregory
Gravenites, Robert Lipa, Hsing-San Lee, Joseph Maslack, John Pessetto,
William F. Pokorny, Michael Roberge, and Harold Zeller.
An Experimental 1-Mbit CMOS SRAM with Configurable Organization and
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 23(5):1085 ff., October
- WBS +87
Karl Wang, Mark Bader, Vince Soorholtz, Richard Mauntel, Horacio Mendez, Peter
Voss, and Roger Kung.
A 21-ns 32K
8 CMOS Static RAM with a Selectively Pumped p-Well
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 22(5):704-712, October
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Ralph D. Wittig and Paul Chow.
OneChip: An FPGA Processor With Reconfigurable Logic.
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Computing Machines, Los Alamitos, California, April 1996. IEEE Computer
Society, IEEE Computer Society Press. wittig/thesis.description.html.
- WDW +85
Frank Welten, Antoine Delaruelle, Frans Van Wyk, Jef Van Meerbergen, Josef
Schmid, Klaus Rinner, Karel Van Eedewijk, and Jan Wittek.
A 2-
m CMOS 10-MHz Microprogrammable Signal Processing Core with
an On-Chip Multiport Memory Bank.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 20(3):754-760, June
- WH95
Michael J. Wirthlin and Brad L. Hutchings.
A Dynamic Instruction Set Computer.
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Workshop on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines, Los Alamitos, California,
April 1995. IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- WHG94
Michael J. Wirthlin, Brad L. Hutchings, and Kent L. Gilson.
The Nano Processor: a Low Resource Reconfigurable Processor.
In Duncan A. Buell and Kenneth L. Pocek, editors, Proceedings of
the IEEE Workshop on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines, pages 23-30, Los
Alamitos, California, April 1994. IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Computer
Society Press.
- WHS +87
Tomohisa Wada, Toshihiko Hirose, Hirofumi Shinohara, Yuji Kawai, Kojiro
Yuzuriha, Yoshio Kohno, and Shimpei Kayano.
A 34-ns 1-Mbit CMOS SRAM Using Triple Polysilicon.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 22(5):727-732, October
- WOI +89
Shigeyoshi Watanabe, Yukihito Oowaki, Yasuo Itoh, Koji Sakui, Kenji Numata,
Tsuneaki Fuse, Takayuki Kobayashi, Kenji Tsuchida, Masahiko Chiba, Takahiko
Hara, Masako Ohta, Fumio Horiguchi, Katsuhiko Hieda, Akihiro Nitayama,
Takeshi Hamamoto, Kazunori Ohuchi, and Fujio Masuoka.
An Experimental 16-Mbit CMOS DRAM Chip with a 100-MHz Serial
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 24(3):763-770, June
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Xilinx, Inc., 2100 Logic Drive, San Jose, CA 95124.
The Programmable Gate Array Databook, 1989.
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Xilinx, Inc., 2100 Logic Drive, San Jose, CA 95124.
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Xilinx, Inc., 2100 Logic Drive, San Jose, CA 95124.
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Xilinx, Inc., 2100 Logic Drive, San Jose, CA 95124.
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- Xil96
Xilinx, Inc., 2100 Logic Drive, San Jose, CA 95124.
XC6200 FPGA Advanced Product Specification, version 1.0
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Jeff Yetter, Mark Forsyth, William Jaffe, Darius Tanksalvala, and John Wheeler.
A 15 MIPS 32b Microprocessor.
In 1987 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference,
Digest of Technical Papers, pages 26-27. IEEE, February 1987.
- YJY +90
Toshiaki Yoshino, Rajeev Jain, Paul Yang, Harvey Davis, Wanda Gass, and Ashwin
A 100-MHz 64-Tap FIR Digital Filter in 0.8
m BiCMOS Gate Array.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 25(6):1494-1501,
December 1990.
- YKF +94
Nobuyuki Yamashita, Tohru Kimura, Yoshihiro Fujita, Yoshiharu Aimoto, Takashi
Manabe, Shin'ichiro Okazaki, Kazuyuki Nakamura, and Masakazu Yamashina.
A 3.84 GIPs Integrated Memory Array Processor with 64 Processing
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IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 29(11):1336-1343,
November 1994.
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Takashi Yamanaka, Shigeru Koshimaru, Osamu Kudoh, Yakashi Ozawa, Nobuyuoka,
Hiroshiito, Hidehiro Asai, Nobuyuki Harashima, and Shinichi Kikuchi.
A 25 ns 64K Static RAM.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 19(5), October 1984.
- YKMI88
Toshio Yamada, Hisakazu Kotani, Junko Matsushima, and Michihiro Inoue.
A 4-Mbit DRAM with 16-bit Concurrent ECC.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 23(1), February 1988.
- YNH +91
Toshio Yamada, Yoshiro Nakata, Junko Hasegawa, Noriaki Amano, Akinori
Shibayama, Masaru Sasago, Naoto Matsuo, Toshiki Yabu, Susumu Matsumoto, Shozo
Okada, and Michihiro Inoue.
A 64-Mb DRAM with Meshed Power Line.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 26(11):1506-1510,
November 1991.
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Alfred K. Yeung and Jan M. Rabaey.
A 2.4 GOPS Data-Drivern Reconfigurable Multiprocessor IC for DSP.
In Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Solid-State
Circuits Conference, pages 108-109. IEEE, February 1995.
- YTN +85
Sho Yamamoto, Nobuyoshi Tanimura, Kouichi Nagasawa, Satoshi Meguro, Tokumasa
Yasui, Osamu Minato, and Toshiaki Masuhara.
A 256K CMOS SRAM with Variable Impedance Data-Line Loads.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 20(5), October 1985.
- YYN +90
Kazuo Yano, Toshiaki Yamanaka, Takashi Nishida, Masayoshi Saito, Katsuhiro
Shimohigashi, and Akihiro Shimizo.
A 3.8-ns CMOS 16
16-b Multiplier Using Complementary
Pass-Transistor Logic.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 25(2):388-395, August