Impact of Parallelism and Memory Architecture on FPGA Energy Consumption
Edin Kadric, David
Lakata, and André DeHon
ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS) ,
Volume 9, Number 4, Article No. 30, DOI: 10.1145/2857057, August, 2016.
The energy in FPGA computations is dominated by data communication
energy, either in the form of memory references or data movement on
In this paper, we explore how to use data placement and parallelism to
reduce communication energy.
We show that parallelism
can reduce energy and that the optimal level of
parallelism increases with the problem size.
We further explore how FPGA memory architecture
(memory block size(s), memory banking, and spacing between memory banks)
can impact communication energy, and determine how to organize the memory
architecture to guarantee that the energy overhead compared to the
optimally matched architecture for the
design is never more than 60%.
We specifically show that an architecture with 32-bit wide, 16Kb
internally-banked memories placed every 8 columns of 10 4-LUT Logic
Blocks is within 61% of the optimally matched architecture across
the VTR~7 benchmark set and a set of parallelism-tunable benchmarks.
Without internal banking, the worst-case overhead is 98%, achieved with an architecture with 32-bit wide, 8Kb memories placed
every 9 columns, roughly comparable to the memory
organization on the Cyclone~V (where memories are placed about every 10 columns).
Monolithic 32-bit wide, 16Kb memories placed every 10 columns
(comparable to 18Kb and 20Kb memories used in Virtex~4
and Stratix~V FPGAs) have a 180% worst-case energy overhead.
Furthermore, we show practical cases where designs mapped
for optimal parallelism use
4.7x less energy than designs using a single processing element.
Kadric, Lakata, DeHon 2016. Publication rights licensed to ACM.
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ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS) , .