Aggressive scaling increases the number of devices we can
integrate per square millimeter but makes it increasingly
difficult to guarantee that each device fabricated has the
intended operational characteristics. Without careful mitigation,
component yield rates will fall, potentially negating
the economic benefits of scaling. The fine-grained reconfigurability
inherent in FPGAs is a powerful tool that can
allow us to drop the stringent requirement that every
device be fabricated perfectly in order for a component to be
useful. To exploit inherent FPGA reconfigurability while
avoiding full CAD mapping, we propose lightweight techniques
compatible with the current single bitstream model
that can avoid defective devices, reducing yield loss at high
defect rates. In particular, by embedding testing operations
and alternative path configurations into the bitstream, each
FPGA can avoid defects by making only simple, greedy decisions
at bitstream load time. With 20% additional tracks
above the minimum routable channel width, routes can tolerate
0.01% switch defect rates, raising yield from essentially
0% to near 100%.
Copyright 2009 ACM,
This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission
of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive
version was published in the Proceedings of the
International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays,
(FPGA2009, February 22--24, 2009).
N.b. See expanded journal version.