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Parallelizing Sparse Matrix Solve for SPICE Circuit Simulation using FPGAs

Nachiket Kapre and André DeHon
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology, pp. 190--198 (FPT, December 09--11, 2009)

Fine-grained dataflow processing of sparse Matrix-Solve computation (Ax=b) in the SPICE circuit simulator can provide an order of magnitude performance improvement on modern FPGAs. Matrix Solve is the dominant component of the simulator especially for large circuits and is invoked repeatedly during the simulation, once for every iteration. We process sparse-matrix computation generated from the SPICE-oriented KLU solver in dataflow fashion across multiple spatial floating-point operators coupled to high-bandwidth on-chip memories and interconnected by a low-latency network. Using this approach, we are able to show speedups of 1.2-64x (geometric mean of 8.8x) for a range of circuits and benchmark matrices when comparing double-precision implementations on a 250MHz Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA (65nm) and an Intel Core i7 965 processor (45nm).

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N.b. See journal version for composite SPICE implementation.

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