FPGA Optimized Packet-Switched NoC using Split and Merge PrimitivesYutian Huan and André DeHonProceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology, (FPT, December 10--12, 2012) Due to their different cost structures, the architecture of switches for an FPGA packet-switched Network-on-a-Chip (NoC) should differ from their ASIC counterparts. The CONNECT network recently demonstrated several ways in which packet-switched FPGA NoCs should differ from ASIC NoCs. However, they also concluded that pipelining was not appropriate for the FPGA switches. We show that the Split-Merge switch architecture is more amenable to pipelining on FPGAs, achieving 300MHz operation---up to three times the frequency and throughput of the CONNECT switches---with only 13--37% more area. Furthermore, we show that the Split-Merge switches are at least as efficient at routing traffic as the CONNECT switches, meaning the 2--3x frequency translates directly into two to three times the application performance.
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