Transit Note #34

MBTA: Software Model

Andre DeHon

Original Issue: December 1990

Last Updated: Mon Nov 8 17:13:46 EST 1993


This note describes the basic software model for programming MBTA. The goals of this model are:

  1. To facilitate programming model development and refinement decoupled from the details of a particular machine
  2. Aid in the convergence of model-independent parallel mechanisms
  3. To facilitate parallel hardware-architecture development and evaluation decoupled from a particular programming model
  4. To facilitate decoupled development and evaluation of the components of a hardware architecture
The basic idea and goals described here are not novel. This model-architecture decoupling is a common vision shared by many architecture researchers at MIT, including Tom Knight, Bill Dally, Greg Papadopoulos, and others. MBTA attempts to exemplify this decoupled approach and utilize it to leverage decoupled architectural evaluation.

Basic Model

Figure shows the basic structure of this model. Ideally, the applications programmer can express programs in any of the various parallel programming models. A language/model specific compiler translates his program into a Register-Transfer-Level Language appropriate for expressing parallel computations. The language specific compiler performs any basic optimizations it can in producing the parallel-RTL translation of a program. This parallel-RTL is the common language used for communication among models and hardware architectures. An architecture specific compiler then compiles the parallel-RTL down to a specific hardware architecture and optimizes the program for execution on the specific hardware. For each hardware architecture, emulation support code is used to allow programs to be executed and evaluated on the MBTA hardware.

Programming Models

Ideally, we would like to support all emerging models for expressing parallel computation. However, given how large and disperse the field currently is, supporting every model is impractical. To provide the breadth we intend for studying the requirements of various models, we would like to support at least one or two programming languages within each major model. In the remainder of this section, I consider a few potential candidates to support.


Being at MIT, probably the most accessible dataflow language to support would be ID [Nik88]. Perhaps, we could start from some of the Computational Structures Group's intermediate dataflow graphs and do our translation to a parallel-RTL from those pre-digested forms. Another popular functional/dataflow language to consider would be ML.

Concurrent Message Passing

Given the variety of concurrent message passing programming languages existing today, it is much less clear what would be best to support in this genre. One interesting mainstream language to support would be MCC's GNU C++; this would give us access to the code people have written to run on MCC's ES-KIT computers [Smi90]. Other languages to consider would be CVA's Concurrent Aggregates [CD90] [Chi90] or Concurrent SmallTalk [Hor89].

Shared Memory

There is also quite a range of languages and models under the rough category of shared memory. We almost certainly want to support one of the languages extended with futures. The obvious possibility would be Kranz's Mul-T; perhaps the best strategy would be to support translation from Alewife's intermediate form WAIF [Maa90] to our parallel-RTL. Other interesting candidates to support would be Weihl's transaction oriented model and FX-90 [GJS90].

Sequential Languages

Schemes such as Knight's mostly-functional programming language paradigm [Kni86] make it reasonable to support some ordinary sequential languages.

Data Parallelism

Supporting some form of expressing data-level parallelism is a must. Fortran-9x would be one of the obvious candidates to support in this genre.


It would also be nice to support Berlin's partial evaluation paradigm [Ber89] in some form.


Parallel-RTL (PRTL) is intended to serve the same function as a Register Transfer Language serves for sequential languages. That is, the PRTL will be a machine-independent description of the computation that is highly-amenable to direct optimization using current and emerging compiler technology. The PRTL will serve as the generic low-level expression of the computation described by the high-level programming languages. The PRTL may be described in a dataflow graph form broken into basic blocks.

One goal of the PRTL will be to effectively express programs in a model independent manner and capture the common requirements of all models. The PRTL will probably change quite dynamically as we begin to support various models. Hopefully, as we begin to better understand the requirements of each model, the PRTL will converge to distill the essential underlying expressiveness necessary to support all models efficiently.

Most modern compilers use some form of RTL internally. Where possible, we would like to leverage the work put into these compiler by working from the native RTL. The translation from a compiler's RTL to our PRTL should be a much simpler matter than generating a complete compiler from scratch.

Architecture Emulation

Machine Compilers

The common PRTL is then compiled to a target machine architecture. This final compiler attempts to efficiently translate the machine independent PRTL into machine specific code for a particular hardware architecture. This compiled code, with appropriate support, can then be run on MBTA to evaluate the machine architecture in question.

Software Hardware Modules

The hardware architecture under study is emulated by a collection of software modules. This emulation software runs on each node so that each MBTA node can effectively pretend to be a node of the hardware architecture in question.

A typically, a hardware architecture would be described in a modular manner with a separate module for emulating the actions of each major portion of the architecture. E.g. a typical node architecture might be realized with one module emulating a particular processor design, another implementing the cache controller, and a third embodying the network interface component (see Figure ). During each emulation cycle, each module gets its respective time-slice to emulate the behavior of the compoment it models.

With proper modularity, it should be possible to ``pick-and-chose'' modules to construct an emulated architecture. This will allow architects to study the interactions and performance of various hardware combinations. This scheme should be useful for evaluating the processor-to-cache-controller and controller-to-net interfaces proposed in [Lei90]. Once these interfaces are settled, it should be trivial to ``mix-and-match'' processor, controller, and network interface modules for emulation.

To be effective, each software module should gather appropriate statistics on the performance and behavior of the hardware unit being emulated during program execution. These statistics will be critical to evaluating and comparing architecture combinations and their effectiveness at executing programs in various programming models. As we get further experience using MBTA in this manner, we will certainly want to define a set of standard statistics to be collected by all models.

Environment for Model Inter-operation

As a part of providing multi-model support on a single virtual platform, it would be most beneficial to allow the models to inter-operate. That is, it should be possible for programs written under different models to coexist simultaneously on a machine. Programs should be able to interact in some controlled way. The interaction might even allow programs to call upon routines written in different models. Ideally, we would like to establish an environment and conventions that allow programs and routines expressed in different models to mutually coexist.


Getting a moderately complete system of this form running will require a non-trivial amount of effort and man-power. It is useful to consider the benefits we hope to gain by undertaking this task.

Evaluate model-independent Architectures

In order to seriously evaluate model-independent architectures, we really need a platform that makes code from all major models accessible to the architecture under study. Attempting to provide a common middle-ground for expressing the computations implied by each model is a crucial step towards understanding the computational requirements in a model independent manner.

Code Leveraging

Supporting a reasonable range of languages and models should give us access to existing code and benchmarks. Leveraging these applications and benchmarks should provide a wealth of meaningful tests for proposed architectures.

Independent work on Architecture Components

This scheme should facilitate independent work on the various pieces of an architecture. The structure should provide the support ( e.g. access to meaningful code, modular hardware support, basic run-time model) to allow architectural pieces to be developed in a decoupled manner.

Path to Real Machines

The path from studies in this software model to a real machine should be readily apparent. Everything down to the parallel-RTL should be reusable on the real machine. With an emulation of the real machine running on MBTA, it should be possible to do much software development prior to bringing the real machine completely online.

See Also...


Andrew A. Berlin. A Compilation Strategy for Numerical Programs Based on Partial Evaluation. AI Technical Report 1144, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge MA 02139, 1989.

Andrew A. Chien and William J. Dally. Concurrent Aggregates (CA). In Symposium on the Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. ACM, 1990.

Andrew Chien. Concurrrent Aggregates (CA): An Object-Oriented Language for Fine-Graned Message-Passing Machines. AI Technical Report 1248, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge MA 02139, 1990.

Andre DeHon. Early Processor Ideas. Transit Note 11, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, May 1990. [tn11 HTML link] [tn11 FTP link].

Andre DeHon. Global Perspective. Transit Note 5, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, May 1990. [tn5 HTML link] [tn5 FTP link].

Andre DeHon. MBTA: Modular Bootstrapping Transit Architecture. Transit Note 17, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, April 1990. [tn17 HTML link] [tn17 FTP link].

Andre DeHon. MBTA: Thoughts on Construction. Transit Note 18, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, June 1990. [tn18 HTML link] [tn18 FTP link].

Andre DeHon. Memory Transactions. Transit Note 13, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, May 1990. [tn13 HTML link] [tn13 FTP link].

David K. Gifford, Pierre Jouvelot, and Mark A. Sheldon. Report on the FX-90 Programming Language. Technical report, MIT Programming Systems Research Group, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge MA 02139, September 1990.

Waldemar Horwat. Concurrent Smalltalk on the Message-Driven Processor. Master's thesis, MIT, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge MA 02139, 1989.

Thomas F. Knight Jr. An Architecture for Mostly Functional Languages. In Conference on LISP and Functional Programming. ACM, 1986.

Charles E. Leiserson. VLSI Technology for Reliable Large-Scale Computing, January 1990. DARPA Proposal.

Gina Maa. WAIF. unpublished draft, 1990.

Rishiyur S. Nikhil. ID Version 88.1 Reference Manual. Computation Structures Group Memo 284, MIT, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge MA 02139, 1988.

Robert J. Smith. Experimental Systems Kit Performance Characterization and Development Progress. MCC Technical Report ACT-ESP-114-90, Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation, Austin, Texas 78759-6509, March 1990.

MIT Transit Project