Transit Note #45

RN1A Datasheet

Henry Minsky

Original Issue: May 1991

Last Updated: Thu Nov 11 15:39:09 EST 1993


This note provides a functional description of the first revision of the RN1 router (RN1B). This note is formatted as a component datasheet.

Unfotunately, the datasheet itself is not in a machine-independent form. For a hardcopy of the data-sheet, send electrontic mail to Henry Minsky (hqm or Andre DeHon (andre

See Also...


Andre DeHon. Fat-Tree Routing For Transit. AI Technical Report 1224, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, April 1990. [AITR-1224 FTP link].

Andre DeHon. Forward Checksum. Transit Note 6, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, May 1990. [tn6 HTML link] [tn6 FTP link].

Andre DeHon. MBTA: Message Formats. Transit Note 21, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, June 1990. [tn21 HTML link] [tn21 FTP link].

Andre DeHon. MBTA: Modular Bootstrapping Transit Architecture. Transit Note 17, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, April 1990. [tn17 HTML link] [tn17 FTP link].

Andre DeHon. Network Wiring Software. Transit Note 10, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, May 1990. [tn10 HTML link] [tn10 FTP link].

Andre DeHon. RN1: Things to Improve Upon. Transit Note 1, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, April 1990. [tn1 HTML link] [tn1 FTP link].

Andre DeHon. Serialized Routing Component. Transit Note 3, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, April 1990. [tn3 HTML link] [tn3 FTP link].

Andre DeHon. Shared Randomness. Transit Note 4, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, May 1990. [tn4 HTML link] [tn4 FTP link].

Andre DeHon. Using the Network for Load Balancing on Parallel Computers. Transit Note 2, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, April 1990. [tn2 HTML link] [tn2 FTP link].

Andre DeHon, Thomas F. Knight Jr., and Henry Minsky. Fault-Tolerant Design for Multistage Routing Networks. AI memo 1225, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, April 1990. [FTP link].

Thomas F. Knight Jr. and Alexander Krymm. A Self-Terminating Low-Voltage Swing CMOS Output Driver. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 23(2), April 1988.

Thomas F. Knight Jr. Technologies for Low-Latency Interconnection Switches. In Symposium on parallel architecures and algorithms. ACM, June 1989.

Tim Kutscha. The RN1 Slow Test Board Hardware. Transit Note 15, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, May 1990. [tn15 HTML link] [tn15 FTP link].

Tim Kutscha. Testing with the RN1 Slow Tester. Transit Note 16, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, May 1990. [tn16 HTML link] [tn16 FTP link].

Tom Leighton and Bruce Maggs. Expanders Might Be Practical: Fast Algorithms for Routing Around Faults on Multibutterflies. In IEEE 30th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 1989.

Henry Q. Minsky. RN1 Data Router. Transit Note 26, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, July 1990. [tn26 HTML link] [tn26 FTP link].

MIT Transit Project