- FPGA2024
Dongjoon Park and André DeHon.
REFINE: Runtime Execution Feedback for INcremental Evolution on FPGA Designs.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate
Arrays, March, 2024.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPT2023
Dongjoon Park, Zhijing Yao, Yuanlong Xiao, and André DeHon.
Asymmetry in Butterfly Fat Tree FPGA NoC.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Field-Programmable Technology, December, 2023.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- TRETS2023
Yuanlong Xiao, Dongjoon Park, Zeyu Jason Niu, Aditya Hota and André DeHon.
ExHiPR: Extended High-level Partial Reconfiguration for Fast Incremental FPGA Compilation.
In ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS),
DOI: 10.1145/3617837, September, 2023.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPT2022
Dongjoon Park, Yuanlong Xiao, and André DeHon.
Fast and Flexible FPGA Development using
Hierarchical Partial Reconfiguration.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Field-Programmable Technology, December, 2022.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPL2022
Yuanlong Xiao, Aditya Hota, Dongjoon Park, and André DeHon.
HiPR: High-level Partial Reconfiguration for Fast Incremental FPGA
In Proceedings of the International Conference on
Field Programmable Logic and Applications, August, 2022.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- ASPLOS2022
Yuanlong Xiao, Eric Micallef, Andrew Butt, Matthew Hofmann, Marc
Alston, Matthew Goldsmith, Andrew Merczynski-Hait and André
PLD: Fast FPGA Compilation to Make Reconfigurable Acceleration
Compatible with Modern Incremental Refinement Software Development.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Architectural
Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, March,
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- JETC2022
Nicholas Roessler and André DeHon.
SCALPEL: Exploring the Limits of Tag-Enforced Compartmentalization.
In ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems,
Volume 18, Number 1, January, 2022.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- CCS2021
Nikos Vasilakis, Cristian-Alexandru Staicu, Gigoris Ntousakis,
Konstantinos Kallas, Ben Karel, André DeHon, and Michael Pradel.
Preventing Dynamic Library Compromise on Node.js via RWX-Based
Privilege Reduction.
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and
Communications Security, November, 2021.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- RAID2021
Nicholas Roessler, Lucas Atayde, Imani Palmer, Derrick McKee, Jai Pandey, Vasileios P. Kemerlis, Mathias Payer, Adam Bates, André DeHon, Jonthan M. Smith, and Nathan Dauhtenhahn.
μSCOPE: A Methodology for Analyzing Least-Privilege Compartmentalization in Large Software Artifacts.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Research in
Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses, pages 296--311, October, 2021.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FCCM2021a
Matthew Hofmann,
Zhiyao Tang,
Jonathan Orgill,
Jonathan Nelson,
David Glanzman,
Brent Nelson, and André DeHon.
XBERT: Xilinx Logical-Level Bitstream Embedded RAM Transfusion.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom
Computing Machines, May, 2021.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FCCM2021b
Eric Micallef, Yuanlong Xiao, and André DeHon.
HLS-Compatible, Embedded-Processor Stream Links.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom
Computing Machines, May, 2021.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- NSDI2021
Nik Sultana, John Sonchack, Isaac Pedisich, Hans Giesen, Zhaoyang Han, Nishanth Shyamkumar, Shivani Burad, André DeHon, and Boon Thau Loo.
Dataplane Disaggregation and Placement for P4 Programs.
In USENIX Symposium on Network Systems Design and
Implementation, April, 2021.
and Paper Link]
- FPT2020
Yuanlong Xiao, Syed Tousif Ahmed, and André DeHon.
Fast Linking of Separately-Compiled FPGA Blocks without a NoC.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Field-Programmable Technology, December, 2020.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- CoNEXT2020
Joel Hypolite, John Sonchack, Shlomo Hershkop, Nathan Dautenhahn,
André DeHon, and Jonathan M. Smith.
DeepMatch: Practical Deep Packet Inspection in the Data Plane using Network
In Proceedings of the International Conference on emerging
Networking EXperiments and Technologies, December, 2020.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPT2019b
Yuanlong Xiao, Dongjoon Park, Andrew Butt, Hans Giesen, Zhaoyang Han,
Rui Ding, Nevo Magnezi, Raphael Rubin, and André DeHon.
Reducing FPGA Compile Time with Separate Compilation for FPGA Building Blocks.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Field-Programmable Technology, December, 2019.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPT2019a
Vipula Sateesh, Connor Mkckeon, Jared Winograd, and André DeHon.
Pipelined Parallel Finite Automata Evaluation.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Field-Programmable Technology, December, 2019.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPL2018
Dongjoon Park, Yuanlong Xiao, Nevo Magnezi, and André DeHon.
Case for Fast FPGA Compilation Using Partial Reconfiguration.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on
Field Programmable Logic and Applications, August, 2018.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
Hans Giesen,
Anirudh Chelluri, Lei Shi, Nishanth Prabhu, Anthony J. McAuley,
John Sonchack, Nik Sultana, Alexander Poylisher, Latha
Kant, André DeHon, and Boon Thau Loo.
In-network Computing to the Rescue of Faulty Links.
in Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on In-Network
Computing, August, 2018.
and Paper Link]
- IEEESP2018
Nick Roessler and André DeHon.
Protecting the Stack with Metadata Policies and Tagged Hardware.
In IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, pp. 1072--1089, May, 2018.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- TRETS2018
Hans Giesen, Benjamin Gojman, Raphael Rubin, Ji Kim and André DeHon.
Continuous Online Self-Monitoring Introspection Circuitry for Timing Repair by Incremental Partial-Reconfiguration (COSMIC TRIP).
In ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS),
Volume 11, Number 1, Article No. 3, DOI: 10.1145/3158229, January, 2018.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- IEEEDT2017
Hans Giesen, Raphael Rubin, Benjamin Gojman, and André DeHon.
Self-Adaptive Timing Repair.
In IEEE Design and Test of Computers, Volume 34, Number 6,
Pages 54--62, November-December, 2017.
[Abstract and IEEE Xplorer Link]
- FPGA2017
Hans Giesen, Raphael Rubin, Benjamin Gojman, and André DeHon.
Quality-Time Tradeoffs in Component-Specific Mapping: How to Train Your Dynamically Reconfigurable Array of Gates with Outrageous Network-delays.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate
Arrays, February, 2017.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- TRETS2016
Edin Kadric, David Lakata, and André DeHon.
Impact of Parallelism and Memory Architecture on FPGA Energy Consumption.
In ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS),
Volume 9, Number 4, Article No. 30, DOI: 10.1145/2857057, August,
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FCCM2016
Hans Giesen, Benjamin Gojman, Raphael Rubin, Ji Kim and André DeHon.
Continuous Online Self-Monitoring Introspection Circuitry for
Timing Repair by Incremental Partial-reconfiguration (COSMIC TRIP)
In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom
Computing Machines, May, 2016.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- TC2016
Edin Kadric, Paul Gurniak, and André DeHon.
Accurate Parallel Floating-Point Accumulation.
In IEEE Transactions on Computers,
Volume 65, Number 11, pp. 3224--3238, November 2016.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPGA2016
Timothy A. Linscott, Benjamin Gojman, Raphael Rubin, and André
Pitfalls and Tradeoffs in Simultaneous, On-Chip FPGA Delay
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate
Arrays, February, 2016.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPT2015
Hyunseok Park, Shreel Vijayvargiya, André DeHon.
Energy Minimization in the Time-Space Continuum.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Field-Programmable Technology, December, 2015. (Best Paper Award)
[Abstract and Paper Link]
André DeHon.
Fundamental Underpinnings of Reconfigurable Computing Architectures.
Proc. of the IEEE (Special Issue on Reconfigurable Sysems),
Volume 103, Number 3, pp. 355--3378, DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2014.2386883,
March, 2015.
and Paper Link]
Russell Tessier, Kenneth Pocek, and André DeHon.
Reconfigurable Computing Architectures.
Proc. of the IEEE (Special Issue on Reconfigurable Sysems),
Volume 103, Number 3, pp. 332--354, DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2014.2386883,
March, 2015.
and Paper Link]
- ASPLOS2015
Udit Dhawan, Catalin Hritcu, Nikos Vasilakis, Raphael Rubin,
Silviu Chiricescu, Jonathan M. Smith,
Thomas F. Knight, Jr., Benjamin C. Pierce, and
André DeHon.
Architectural Support for Software-Defined Metadata Processing.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Architectural
Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, March, 2015.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPGA2015
Edin Kadric, David Lakata, and André DeHon.
Impact of Memory Architecture on FPGA Energy Consumption.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate
Arrays, February, 2015.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- TRETS2015
Udit Dhawan and André DeHon.
Area-Efficient Near-Associative Memories on FPGAs.
In ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems
Volume 7, Number 4, DOI: 10.1145/2629471, January, 2015.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- TRETS2014
Benjamin Gojman, Sirisha Nalmela, Nikil Mehta, Nicholas Howarth, and André DeHon.
GROK-LAB: Generating Real On-chip Knowledge for Intra-cluster Delays using Timing Extraction.
In ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems
Volume 7, Number 4, DOI: 10.1145/2597889, December, 2014.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPT2014
Albert Kwon, Kaiyu Zhang, Perk Lun Lim, Yuchen Pan, Jonathan M. Smith, and André DeHon.
RotoRouter: Router Support for Endpoint-Authorized Decentralized Traffic Filtering to Prevent DoS Attacks.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Field-Programmable Technology, December, 2014.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FCCM2014c
Edin Kadric, Kunal Mahajan, and André DeHon.
Kung Fu Data Energy---Minimizing Communication Energy in FPGA Computations.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom
Computing Machines, May, 2014.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FCCM2014b
Edin Kadric, Kunal Mahajan, and André DeHon.
Energy Reduction through Differential Reliability and Lightweight Checking.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom
Computing Machines, May, 2014.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FCCM2014a
Benjamin Gojman and André DeHon.
GROK-INT: Generating Real On-chip Knowledge for Interconnect Delays Using Timing Extraction.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom
Computing Machines, May, 2014.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPGA2014
André DeHon.
Wordwidth, Instructions, Looping, and Virtualization---The Role of
Sharing in Absolute Energy Minimization.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate
Arrays, pages 189--198, February, 2014.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- POPL2014
Arthur Azevedo de Amorim, Nathan Collins, André DeHon, Delphine
Demange, Cătălin Hriţcu, David Pichardie, Benjamin C. Pierce, Randy
Pollack, Andrew Tolmach.
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of
Programming Languages, January 2014.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPT2013
André DeHon and Nikil Mehta.
Exploiting Partially Defective LUTs: Why You Don't Need Perfect Fabrication.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Field-Programmable Technology, December, 2013.
(Outstanding Paper Award)
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- CCS2013
Albert Kwon, Udit Dhawan, Jonthan M. Smith, Thomas F. Knight, Jr. and
André DeHon.
Low-Fat Pointers: Compact Encoding and Efficient Gate-Level Implementation
of Fat Pointers for Spatial Safety and Capability-based Security.
In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications
Security, November, 2013.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- ARITH2013
Edin Kadric, Paul Gurniak, and André DeHon.
Accurate Parallel Floating-Point Accumulation.
In Proceedings of the IEEE
Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, April, 2013.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPGA2013a
Benjamin Gojman, Sirisha Nalmela, Nikil Mehta, Nicholas Howarth, and André DeHon.
GROK-LAB: Generating Real On-chip Knowledge for Intra-cluster Delays using Timing Extraction.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate
Arrays, February, 2013.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPGA2013b
Udit Dhawan and André DeHon.
Area-Efficient Near-Associative Memories on FPGAs.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate
Arrays, February, 2013.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPGA2013c
André DeHon.
Location, Location, Location---The Role of Spatial Locality in Asymptotic Energy Minimization.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate
Arrays, February, 2013.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPT2012
Yutian Huan and André DeHon.
FPGA Optimized Packet-Switched NoC using Split and Merge Primitives.
In Proceedings of the
IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology,
December, 2012.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- AHNS2012
Udit Dhawan, Albert Kwon, Edin Kadric, Catalin Hritcu, Benjamin C. Pierce, Jonathan M. Smith, Gregory Malecha, Greg Morrisett, Thomas F. Knight, Jr., Andrew Sutherland, Tom Hawkins, Amanda Zyxnfryx, David Wittenberg, Peter Trei, Sumit Ray, Greg Sullivan, André DeHon.
Hardware Support for Safety Interlocks and Introspection.
In Proceedings of the SASO Workshop on Adaptive Host and Network
Security, September 14, 2012.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPGA2012
Nikil Mehta, Raphael Rubin and André DeHon.
Limit Study of Energy & Delay Benefits of Component-Specific Routing.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate
Arrays, pages 97--106, February, 2012.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- TRCAD2012
Nachiket Kapre and André DeHon.
SPICE2: Spatial Processors Interconnected for Concurrent
Execution for Accelerating the SPICE Circuit Simulator Using an
FPGA. In IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated
Circuits and Systems, Volume 31, Number 1,
pp. 9--12, DOI: 10.1109/TCAD.2011.2173199, January, 2012.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- TRETS2011
Raphael Rubin and André DeHon.
Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Routing: Lightweight Load-Time Defect
In ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems
Volume 4, Number 4, DOI: 10.1145/2068716.2068719, December, 2011.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPT2011
Nachiket Kapre and André DeHon.
VLIW-SCORE: Beyond C for Sequential Control of SPICE FPGA Acceleration.
In Proceedings of the
IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology,
December, 2011. (Best Paper Award)
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- TAAS2011
Michael deLorimier, Nachiket Kapre, Nikil Mehta, and André
Spatial hardware implementation for sparse graph algorithms in GraphStep.
In ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (TAAS),
Volume 6, Number 3, DOI: 10.1145/2019583.2019584, September, 2011.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- IJRC2011
Nachiket Kapre and André DeHon.
An NoC Traffic Compiler for Efficient FPGA Implementation of Sparse Graph-Oriented Workloads.
In International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, Volume
2011, Article ID 745147, DOI: 10.1155/2011/745147, March, 2011.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- FPGA2011
Raphael Rubin and André DeHon.
Timing-Driven Pathfinder Pathology and Remediation: Quantifying and Reducing Delay Noise in VPR-Pathfinder.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate
Arrays, pages 173--176, February, 2011.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- Computer2011
André DeHon and Benjamin Gojman.
Crystals and Snowflakes: Building Computation from Nanowire Crossbars
In IEEE Computer, Volume 44, Number 2, pp. 37--45, February, 2011.
and Paper Links]
Nachiket Kapre and André DeHon.
An NoC Traffic Compiler for efficient FPGA implementation of Parallel Graph Applications
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-Centric Systems on Chip,
May, 2010.
and Paper Links]
- IETCDT2009
Benjamin Gojman, Harika Manem, Garret S. Rose, and André DeHon.
Inversion Schemes for Sublithographic Programmable Logic Arrays
In IET Computers and Digital Techniques, Volume 3, Number 6, Pages 525--642, November, 2009.
and IEEE link].
- FPT2009a
Benjamin Gojman and André DeHon.
VMATCH: Using Logical Variation to Counteract Physical Variation in
Bottom-Up, Nanoscale Systems.
In Proceedings of the
IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology, pages
78--87, December, 2009.
and Paper Links]
- FPT2009b
Nachiket Kapre and André DeHon.
Parallelizing Sparse Matrix Solve for SPICE Circuit Simulation using FPGAs.
In Proceedings of the
IEEE International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology, pages
190--198, December, 2009.
and Paper Links]
- FPL2009
Nachiket Kapre and André DeHon.
Performance Comparison of Single-Precision SPICE Model-Evaluation on FPGA, GPU, Cell,
and multi-core Processors.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Field Programmable
Logic and Applications, pages 65--27, September, 2009.
and Paper Links]
- FCCM2009
Nachiket Kapre and André DeHon.
Accelerating SPICE Model-Evaluation using FPGAs.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable
Custom Computing Machines, pages 37--44, April 2009.
and Paper Links]
- TRVLSI2009
Helia Naeimi and André DeHon.
Fault Secure Encoder and Decoder for NanoMemory Applications.
In IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems,
Volume 17, Number 4, Pages 473--486, April 2009.
and IEEE link].
- FPGA2009
Raphael Rubin and André DeHon.
Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Routing: Lightweight Load-Time Defect Avoidance.
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate
Arrays, pages 23--32, February, 2009.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- TC2009
Karl Papadantonakis, Nachiket Kapre, Stephanie Chan, and André DeHon.
Pipelining Saturated Accumulation.
In IEEE Transactions on Computers,
Volume 58, Number 2, pp. 208--219, February, 2009.
[Abstract and Paper Link]
- NDCS2008
André DeHon.
The Case for Reconfigurable Components with Logic Scrubbing:
Regular Hygiene Keeps Logic FIT (low).
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on
Design and Test of Nano Devices, Circuits and Systems
(NDCS2008), September 2008.
[Abstract and Paper Links]
Helia Naeimi and André DeHon.
Fault-Tolerant Sub-lithographic Design with Rollback Recovery.
In Nanotechnology,
Volume 19, Number 11, Article 115708, March 19, 2008.
[Abstract and Paper Links]
Helia Naeimi and André DeHon.
Fault Tolerant Nano-Memory with Fault Secure Encoder and Decoder.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Nano-Networks
(Nanonets2007), September 2007.
[Abstract and Paper Links]
- DFT2007
Helia Naeimi and André DeHon.
Fault Secure Encoder and Decoder for Memory Applications.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault
Tolerance in VLSI Systems (DFTS2007), September 2007.
[Abstract and Paper Links]
- ARITH2007
Nachiket Kapre and André DeHon.
Optimistic Parallelization of Floating-Point Accumulation.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic
(ARITH18), pp. 205--213, June 2007.
[Abstract and Paper Links]
Benjamin Gojman, Raphael Rubin, Concetta Pilotto, Tetsufumi Tanamoto, and
André DeHon.
3D Nanowire-Based Programmable Logic.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Nano-Networks
(Nanonets2006), September 2006. (Best Paper Award)
[Abstract and Paper Links]
Kumiko Numora, Keiko Abe, Shinobu Fujita, and André DeHon.
Novel Design of Three-Dimensional Crossbar for Future Network on Chip based
on Post-Silicon Devices.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Nano-Networks
(Nanonets2006), September 2006.
[Abstract and Paper Links]
- JETC2006
John E. Savage, Eric Rachlin, André DeHon, Charles M. Lieber, and Yue
Radial Addressing of Nanowires.
In ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems,
Volume 2, Number 2, Pages 129--154, April 2006.
and ACM Link].
- JMM2006a
André DeHon, Yury Markovsky, Eylon Caspi, Michael Chu, Randy Huang,
Stylianos Perissakis, Laura Pozzi, Joseph Yeh, and John Wawrzynek.
Stream Computations Organized for Reconfigurable Execution.
In Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems, Volume 30, Number 6,
Pages 334--354, September, 2006.
and DOI Link]
- JMM2006b
André DeHon, Randy Huang, and John Wawrzynek.
Stochastic Spatial Routing for Reconfigurable Networks.
In Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems,
Volume 30, Number 6,
Pages 301--318, September,
2006. [Abstract
and DOI Link]
- FCCM2006a
Michael deLorimier, Nachiket Kapre, Nikil Mehta, Dominic Rizzo, Ian Eslick,
Raphael Rubin, Tomas Uribe, Thomas F. Knight, Jr. and André DeHon.
GraphStep: A System Architecture for Sparse-Graph Algorithms.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable
Custom Computing Machines, April 2006.
[Abstract and Paper Links]
- FCCM2006b
Nachiket Kapre, Nikil Mehta, Michael deLorimier, Raphael Rubin, Henry
Barnor, Michael J. Wilson, Michael Wrighton, and André DeHon.
Packet-Switched vs. Time-Multiplexed FPGA Overlay Networks.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable
Custom Computing Machines, April 2006.
[Abstract and Paper Links]
- ASPDAC2006
Michael Wrighton and André DeHon.
SAT-Based Optimal Hypergraph Partitioning with Replication.
In Proceedings of the Asia and South Pacific Design Automation
Conference, January 2006.
and paper links].
- ICFPT2005
Karl Papadantonakis, Nachiket Kapre, Stephanie Chan, and André DeHon.
Pipelining Saturated Accumulation.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Field-Programmable
Technology, December, 2005.
and paper links].
- TNANO2005b
André DeHon.
Addressing of Nanoscale Devices Assembled at Sublithographic Pitches.
In IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Volume 4, Number 6,
Pages 681--687, Nov. 2005.
and IEEE link].
- JETC2005
André DeHon.
Nanowire-Based Programmable Architectures.
In ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems,
Volume 1, Number 2, Pages 109--162, July 2005.
and ACM Link].
- IEEEDT2005
André DeHon and Helia Naeimi.
Seven Strategies for Tolerating Highly Defective Fabrication.
In IEEE Design and Test of Computers, Volume 22, Number 4,
Pages 306--315, July-August 2005.
- TNANO2005a
André DeHon, Seth Copen Goldstein, Philip J. Kuekes, and Patrick
Non-Photolithographic Nanoscale Memory Density Prospects.
In IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Volume 4, Number 2,
Pages 215--228, March 2005.
and IEEE link].
- FPGA2005a
André DeHon.
Design of Programmable Interconnect for Sublithographic Programmable Logic Arrays.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, pages 127--137,February, 2005.
[Abstract, paper, and slide links].
- FPGA2005b
Michael deLorimier and André DeHon.
Floating-Point Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiply for FPGAs.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, pages 75--85, February, 2005.
[Abstract, paper, and slide links].
- ICFPT2004
Helia Naeimi and André DeHon.
A Greedy Algorithm for Tolerating Defective Crosspoints in NanoPLA
Proceedings of the International Conference on Field-Programmable
Technology, pages 49--56, December, 2004.
and paper links].
- TRVLSI2004a
André DeHon and Raphael Rubin.
Design of FPGA Interconnect for Multilevel Metalization.
In IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems,
Volume 12, Number 10, Pages 1038--1050, October 2004.
and IEEE link].
- TRVLSI2004b
André DeHon.
Unifying Mesh- and Tree-Based Programmable Interconnect
In IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems,
Volume 12, Number 10, Pages 1051--1065, October 2004.
and IEEE link].
- LLNSD2004
André DeHon. Law of Large Numbers System Design.
In Nano, Quantum and Molecular Computing: Implications to High Level
Design and Validation, pp. 213--241, Kluwer, 2004.
- FCCM2004
André DeHon, Joshua Adams, Michael DeLorimier, Nachiket Kapre,
Yuki Matsuda, Helia Naeimi, Michael Vanier, and Michael Wrighton.
Design Patterns for Reconfigurable Computing.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable
Custom Computing Machines, April 2004.
and paper link].
- FPGA2004
André DeHon and Michael J. Wilson.
Nanowire-Based Sublithographic Programmable Logic Arrays.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate
Arrays, pages 123--132, February, 2004.
[Abstract, paper, and slide links].
- TNANO2003
André DeHon, Patrick Lincoln, and John E. Savage.
Stochastic Assembly of Sublithographic Nanoscale Interfaces.
In IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Volume 2, Number 3,
Pages 165--174, September 2003.
and IEEE link].
André DeHon with Charles M. Lieber, Patrick Lincoln, and John E. Savage.
Sub-lithographic Semiconductor Computing Systems.
In Hot Chips Symposium 2003, August 17--19, 2003.
paper, slides].
- TNANO2003
André DeHon.
Array-Based Architecture for FET-Based, Nanoscale Electronics.
In IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Volume 2, Number 1,
Pages 23--32, Mar 2003.
and IEEE link].
- FPGA2003a
Raphael Rubin and André DeHon.
Design of FPGA Interconnect for Multilevel Metalization.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, pages 154--163, February, 2003.
[Abstract, paper, and slide links].
- FPGA2003b
Michael Wrighton and André DeHon.
Hardware-Assisted Simulated Annealing with Application for Fast FPGA
Placement. In
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, pages 33--42, February, 2003.
[Abstract, paper, and slide links].
- FPGA2003c
Randy Huang, John Wawrzynek, and André DeHon.
Stochastic, Spatial Routing for Hypergraphs, Trees, and Meshes. In
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, pages 78--87, February, 2003.
[Abstract, paper, and slide links].
- ICCAD2002
Michael Butts, André DeHon, and Seth Copen Goldstein,
Molecular Electronics: Devices, Systems and Tools for Gigagate,
Gigabit Chips.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided
Design, pages 433--440, November, 2002.
[Abstract, paper, and slide links].
- UMC2002
André DeHon.
Very Large Scale Spatial Computing.
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Unconventional
Models of Computation, pages 27--37, October 2002.
[Abstract, paper, and slide links].
- FCCM2002
André DeHon, Randy Huang, and John Wawrzynek.
Hardware-Assisted Fast Routing.
In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable
Custom Computing Machines, pages 205--215, April 2002.
[Abstract, paper, and slide links].
- NSC2002
André DeHon.
Array-Based Architecture for Molecular Electronics.
In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Non-Silicon
Computation, February 2002.
[Abstract, paper, and slide links].
- SLIP2001
André DeHon.
Rent's Rule Based Switching Requirements.
In System-Level Interconnect Prediction (SLIP 2001),
pages 197--204, March 31--April 1, 2001,
[Abstract, paper links].
- SPAA2000
André DeHon.
Compact, Multilayer Layout for Butterfly Fat-Tree.
Twelfth Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2000), pages 206--215, July 9-12, 2000.
[Abstract, paper links].
- Computer2000
André DeHon. The Density Advantage of Configurable Computing.
IEEE Computer, 33(4):41--49, April 2000.
(TCFPGA Hall of Fame)
[Abstract and paper link]